Vespera and Urban Farmer: A Collaboration to Innovate
Innovation and efficiency are words that come to mind when thinking of the new union between Vespera Energy and startup company, Urban Farmer. The Taranto based company Urban Farmer was founded in March 2022 and has just launched its platform with an idea of making use of uncultivated land by mapping it out to make it available for sustainable alternatives. This is the perfect opportunity for Vespera Energy, who comes in as a key player with its development of photovoltaics on vacant lands of Thanks to the digitization of, the land scouting and data analysis by Urban Farmer and the development expertise from Vespera Energy this partnership will be ‘the perfect match’.
Cererly and our shared mission is the portal for the regeneration of abandoned land, serving developers of solar parks and sustainable agriculture projects. That crucial link allows for speeding up the process of land repurposing, land finding, land preservation and maintenance. Indeed, there is a wealth represented by the enormous heritage of unused land and being able to give it a long-lived and productive future, understood as a new destination for sustainable projects, is certainly a mission shared by both Urban Farmer and Vespera Energy.
“We enthusiastically embrace the collaboration with Vespera, a significant and established presence in our region. This makes us even prouder of the journey we will undertake together. We are confident that 2024 will be a year filled with work and achievements. Our commitment to growth, combined with Vespera's substantial background, will be a winning combination” – Andrea Guarrasi, co-founder, Urban Farmer
How does it work and why it is valuable for Vespera Energy
On the website, the landowner inserts the land, draws the surface, or inserts the cadastral letters. Through an algorithm it creates an identity card for the land in which you can understand what the soil can be used and suitable for. If the land is full of constraints, it cannot be spent on energy from renewable sources so therefore it will be used for agricultural projects instead and vice versa. By mapping areas out, it will be much easier for developers like, Vespera Energy, to understand where new opportunities are located instead of spending time searching for them through its personal network and contacts. Through, the landowners can reach developers like Vespera Energy immediately.
“Vespera Energy will therefore be able to take advantage of the benefits derived from the platform through access to a significant volume of land on a national scale, to ensure proper integration between nature and agricultural vocation of the areas and the production of clean and sustainable energy, the so-called agrivoltaic. A bottom-up approach that aims at the involvement of rural communities in the planning of such initiatives also aimed at the well-being of the farmer. A shift from the misperception that until now has been conveyed at the communication level of taking away agricultural areas due to installation of photovoltaic systems on said areas that instead now finds in the development of agrivoltaic projects the right synergy between agricultural and energy policies” – Aldo Giretti, Managing Director, Vespera Energy
Vespera Energy was founded in 2021 by Conor McGuigan and Aldo Giretti. One of the major objectives Vespera Energy focuses on is to develop 2 GW of photovoltaics and 1 GW of BESS solutions in Italy within five years. They have worked over the years to be a circular company, that seeks to give back as much as possible to the environment, thinking about sustainability in all aspects of its business model. They have a strong belief in the development of agri-photovoltaics where land is used for cultivation as well as sustainability.